
论语十六篇原文及译文(论语原文全文 十七章)

论语十六篇原文及译文(论语原文全文 十七章)

更新时间:2024-08-05 23:54:03



## 一、学而篇

### 原文

> 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?

### 英文译文

> Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places? If people don't recognize your abilities, isn't that also being a true gentleman?

## 二、为政篇

### 原文

> 子曰:“为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之。”

### 英文译文

> The Master said: "To govern by virtue is like the North Star. It remains in its place while all the other stars position themselves around it."

## 三、八佾篇

### 原文

> 八佾舞于庭,是可忍也,孰不可忍也?

### 英文译文

> When the eight rows of dancers performed in the courtyard, it was really impressive. If this can be tolerated, what cannot be tolerated?

## 四、里仁篇

### 原文

> 子曰:“君子欲讷于言而敏于行。”

### 英文译文

> The Master said: "A gentleman wants to speak confidently, but act cautiously."

## 五、公冶长篇

### 原文

> 子游曰:“子夏虽有闻,逐后不及我者,我必须也正名乎!”子曰:“总为之也已。”

### 英文译文

> Ziyou said: "Although Zixia has wide learning and is quick-witted, he is not my equal. When he works for someone, he makes the employer look good. The Master said: "You are certainly generous with your praise."

## 六、雍也篇

### 原文

> 深则厉,浅则揭,昔孟子,富而可求也,后之,志而不可求也。

### 英文译文

> If you deal with people, you must be strict when the situation demands it and lenient when the occasion warrants it. In the past, Mengzi was easy to approach because he was wealthy, but later on, he could not be found because of his principles.

## 七、述而篇

### 原文

> 子曰:“述而不作,信而好古,童蒙之惑,不可揜也。”

### 英文译文

> The Master said: "It is better to transmit than to invent. It is better to be faithful to one's predecessors than to be clever. The inability of children to see things clearly should not be denied."

## 八、泰伯篇

### 原文

> 泰伯王与船人言:“尔船何在?”子曰:“止,承国有礼,乐有太极。不失其民,戒之可以守也。”

### 英文译文

> King Taibo asked a boatman, "Where is your boat?" Confucius replied, "It's moored at the dock of Chengguo, where there is proper respect for the rites, and where music has reached the perfect balance. By being mindful of the people and following rules, order can be maintained."

## 九、子罕篇

### 原文

> 子罕言,或善之,或恶之,有如☞之情者,斯亦为之鄙。

### 英文译文

> The Master rarely spoke of love or hatred, and never showed extreme emotions such as joy or anger. Those who knew him well knew what he liked or disliked, but they did not speak ill of him.

## 十、微子篇

### 原文

> 微子去之,箕子为之奴。比干谏而死。羊舌出于掌,污于饮膳。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦?

### 英文译文

> When Duke Wei was exiled, Jizi became his servant. Bigan protested against the duke and was subsequently executed. Yangsheng cut off a part of his tongue and served it in a soup bowl. Who knows how many grains of rice were served in their meal, each representing their struggle and suffering?

## 十一、卫灵公篇

### 原文

> 卫灵公问陈于孔子,孔子对曰:“俎豆之事,则尝闻之矣;军旅之事,未之学也。”

### 英文译文

> Duke Ling of Wei asked Confucius about military tactics, and Confucius replied, "I have heard of ritual vessels, but I have not studied warfare."

## 十二、季氏篇

### 原文

> 子路问“将有军。”子曰:“有军民有所不能,有民军有所不能。”

### 英文译文

> Zilu asked, "What about having an army?" The Master replied, "When you have an army, there are some things that the people are not able to accomplish, and there are some things that the army is not able to accomplish."

## 十三、阳货篇

### 原文

> 阳货欲见孔子,孔子不见,归孔子豚。孔子时其亡也而往拜之,遇诸途,问曰:“行者何为?”对曰:“以孔氏豚,入于邦相。”

### 英文译文

> Yang Huo wanted to meet Confucius, but Confucius refused to see him. So, Yang sent Confucius a pig. Later, when Confucius was passing through Yang's hometown, he stopped to pay his respects to Yang, who was surprised by the act of courtesy. Yang asked, "Why did you come so far to see me?" Confucius replied, "I just wanted to thank you for the gift of the pig."

## 十四、德行篇

### 原文

> 子曰:“能行五者于天下,为仁矣。”请问之。曰:“恭宽信敏惠。恭则不侮,宽则得众,信则人任焉,敏则有功,惠则足以使人。”

### 英文译文

> The Master said, "If you can put into practice these five things throughout the world, then you will be benevolent." Someone asked him what these five things were, and Confucius replied, "Courtesy, generosity, truthfulness, diligence, and compassion. With courtesy, you won't offend people; with generosity, you'll win friends; with truthfulness, people will trust you; with diligence, you'll accomplish great things; and with compassion, you'll be able to help others."

## 十五、颜渊篇

### 原文

> 颜渊问仁。子曰:“克己复礼为仁。一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉。为仁由己,而由人乎哉?”

### 英文译文

> Yan Yuan asked about kindness. The Master said, "Restraining yourself and conforming to proper etiquette is kindness. If you restrain yourself and conform to proper etiquette for one day, the world will return to kindness. Kindness comes from oneself, but can it also come from others?"

## 十六、述义篇

### 原文

> 子曰:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻;道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”

### 英文译文

> The Master said, "When you use laws to govern people, they try to avoid punishment but lose their sense of shame. But when you use morality to govern them, and use rituals to make them uniform, they will have both a sense of shame and a sense of order."

