
marine organisms是什么意思(marine是什么意思中文翻译)

marine organisms是什么意思(marine是什么意思中文翻译)

更新时间:2024-05-11 08:51:07

marine organisms是什么意思

  marine organisms的意思  海洋生物  例句:双语英语1.This area of the islet is too high for marine organisms to colonize, but also gets too much salty sea-spray for lichen to flourish.  这些小岛地区对繁殖海洋生物来说,显得太高,然而对地衣的茂盛生长衣却也受到了太多的含盐份的海水浪涛的冲击.  2.For reasons that are not entirely understood, many marine organisms bioluminesce only when disturbed.  出于一些还没有被完全理解的原因,许多水生生物只在被打扰的时候才会发生生物荧光现象.  3.The oceans contain a great biodiversity of marine organisms.  海洋包含一种海洋生物的大的生物多样性.  4.More than 150 different types of phytoplankton have been observed in the black sea over the years, and they have supported a rich bounty of fish and other marine organisms.  数年来,黑海中已经发现了超过150种不同的浮游植物,正是它们支撑了这里丰富的鱼类和其它海洋生物.  5.Researchers have also been surprised to discover that exposure to these waters can change the behavior of some marine organisms, such as by disrupting brain development in fish.  研究人员惊奇地发现,生活在这种水域能改变一些水生生物的行为,如扰乱鱼的大脑发育.  如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!  如果您认可我的答案,请采纳.
