
proceed to do对吗(in on at的用法口诀)

proceed to do对吗(in on at的用法口诀)

更新时间:2024-03-27 19:27:44

proceed to do对吗

proceed to do是对的,它的意思要表达“继续做某事”,在外企英语邮件中,很少用continue doing sth 或者continue to do sth,用得最多的是proceed to do sth或 proceed with sth。

是的,"proceed to do"是一个常用的短语,表示继续或开始进行某个动作或行动。它的意思是继续前进或继续进行下一步。例如:

After finishing the first task, we can proceed to do the next one.


The meeting will proceed to discuss the budget for the upcoming year.

