


更新时间:2024-01-08 07:24:55


以下是一些与 "burst" 相关的短语:

1. burst out:突然爆发、突然说出、突然发生。例如:"He burst out laughing when he saw the funny picture."(他看到搞笑的图片时突然笑了起来。)

2. burst into:闯入、突然开始。例如:"The children burst into the room, laughing and shouting."(孩子们突然冲进房间,笑着喊着。)

3. burst onto:突然出现、突然崭露头角。例如:"The band burst onto the music scene with their unique sound."(这个乐队凭借独特的音乐风格突然崭露头角。)

4. burst apart:破裂、崩溃。例如:"The vase burst apart when it fell off the shelf."(花瓶从架子上掉下来时破裂了。)

5. burst forth:迸发、爆发。例如:"The sun burst forth from behind the clouds."(太阳从云层后面迸发出来。)

6. burst into flames:燃烧、着火。例如:"The paper caught fire and burst into flames."(纸张着火了,燃烧起来。)

7. burst into tears:突然哭泣。例如:"She burst into tears when she heard the news."(她听到消息后突然哭了起来。)

8. burst with:充满、充溢。例如:"The box burst with excitement when the winner was announced."(获胜者宣布时,盒子里充满了激动。)
