Don't Cry For Me Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣 American Idiot 《美国白痴》 by Greenday Jamaica Farewell 《告别牙买加》
Back In The USSR - The Beatles Norwegian Wood - The Beatles Party In The USA - Miley Cyrus 另外很多国歌的名字里很可能有国名,比如加拿大国歌O Canada (《噢!加拿大》)
Don't Cry For Me Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣 American Idiot 《美国白痴》 by Greenday Jamaica Farewell 《告别牙买加》
Back In The USSR - The Beatles Norwegian Wood - The Beatles Party In The USA - Miley Cyrus 另外很多国歌的名字里很可能有国名,比如加拿大国歌O Canada (《噢!加拿大》)