


更新时间:2023-12-30 21:11:21


May Day, the golden day of labor,
Stands in the springtime of the year,
When nature's beauty is at its best
And the fields are full of labor's wealth.
With song and dance, the workers gather,
Their hands are skilled in useful tasks,
They reap the harvest of the fields
And build the grandeur of the cities.
In toil and sweat, they mingle gladness,
Their labor is their pride and joy,
They raise the banner of progress
And sing the anthem of labor's freedom.
For all their efforts, they receive
The rewards of peace and plenty,
They build a better world of labor
And share in the fruits of creation.
May Day, the festival of labor,
Forever in our hearts shall stand,
As a symbol of human progress
And a pledge of future happiness.
