games 是游戏的意思,而competition则是竞赛的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:
This is not the games, it is competition. If I win this competition I can become professional player, otherwise I will be game player. 这不是游戏,这是比赛。 如果我赢了这场比赛,我就可以成为职业选手,否则我只能是游戏玩家。
games 是游戏的意思,而competition则是竞赛的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:
This is not the games, it is competition. If I win this competition I can become professional player, otherwise I will be game player. 这不是游戏,这是比赛。 如果我赢了这场比赛,我就可以成为职业选手,否则我只能是游戏玩家。