


更新时间:2023-04-29 02:19:27


keel over

1.turn upside down;tip over;overturn(船)倾覆;翻转

The boat keeled over,and all the passengers fell into the water.那条船翻了,乘客们都掉入水中。

The ship keeled over when it hit the rocks,and sank to the bottom with all its passengers and sailors.船触礁后倾翻了,连同所有的乘客和船员一起沉入了海底。

2.fall over in a faint;faint 晕倒

It was so hot during the assembly that two girls who were standing on the stage keeled over.因天气太热,在集合的时候两个站在台上的女孩晕倒了。

He keeled over with laughter when I told him the joke.我把笑话讲给他听时,他笑得前仰后合。

When the principal told the girl her father died,she keeled right over.校长告诉这女孩她父亲去世时,她当场昏了过去。

Several cadets keeled over from the heat during the pdrade.几个军校学生在检阅时因天气太热而晕倒。
