
keon d09集成灶拆卸(优可达集成灶拆解视频)

keon d09集成灶拆卸(优可达集成灶拆解视频)

更新时间:2022-04-13 20:24:44


CMSgt Sonia T. Lee,第十五空军司令部首席官方合影(美国空军照片由第 20 战斗机联队公共事务部提供)

Chief Master Sgt. Sonia T. Lee

CMSgt Sonia T. Lee, Fifteenth Air Force command chief official photo (U.S. Air Force photo by 20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs)

2021 年 9 月 13 日,特遣部队霍洛曼中士,特遣队霍洛曼中士,为在新墨西哥州霍洛曼空军基地阿曼奥米德村工作的飞行员带来早餐。国防部通过美国北方司令部,并支持国防部美国国务院和国土安全部正在为至少 50,000 名阿富汗撤离人员提供交通、临时住房、医疗检查和一般支持,他们在适当的设施、永久或临时结构中尽快。这一举措为阿富汗境外安全地点的阿富汗撤离人员提供了必要的支持。

Senior Master Sgt. Aaron Waddy, Task Force-Holloman first sergeant, brings breakfast to Airmen working at Aman Omid Village in Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, Sept. 13, 2021. The Department of Defense, through U.S. Northern Command, and in support of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security, is providing transportation, temporary housing, medical screening, and general support for at least 50,000 Afghan evacuees at suitable facilities, in permanent or temporary structures, as quickly as possible. This initiative provides Afghan evacuees essential support at secure locations outside Afghanistan.


俄克拉荷马州国民警卫队 迈克尔韦斯特(左)和 Spc。2021 年 9 月 7 日,第 90 部队司令部第 120 工兵营 Alpha 公司的卡车司机 Gage Stone(右)向路易斯安那州拉普拉斯的一个社区居民提供补给。俄克拉荷马州国民警卫队开车穿过社区,将补给品直接分发到路易斯安那州居民,使必要的援助能够迅速到达当地民众手中。

Oklahoma National Guardsmen distribute food and water after Hurricane Ida

Oklahoma National Guardsmen Spc. Michael West, left, and Spc. Gage Stone, right, truck drivers with Alpha Company, 120th Engineer Battalion, 90th Troop Command, give supplies to a resident of a neighborhood in LaPlace, Louisiana, Sept. 7, 2021. Oklahoma National Guardsmen drove throughout neighborhoods to distribute supplies directly to Louisiana residents, allowing for essential aid to reach the local populace quickly.

2021 年 9 月 13 日,特遣部队霍洛曼牧师 Dwayne Jones 中校为在新墨西哥州霍洛曼空军基地阿曼奥米德村工作的飞行员提供早餐。国防部通过美国北方司令部提供支持美国国务院和国土安全部正在尽快为至少 50,000 名阿富汗撤离人员提供交通、临时住房、医疗检查和一般支持,这些人员在适当的设施、永久或临时结构中。这一举措为阿富汗境外安全地点的阿富汗撤离人员提供了必要的支持。

Lt. Col. Dwayne Jones, Task Force-Holloman chaplain, brings breakfast to Airmen working at Aman Omid Village in Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, Sept. 13, 2021. The Department of Defense, through U.S. Northern Command, and in support of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security, is providing transportation, temporary housing, medical screening, and general support for at least 50,000 Afghan evacuees at suitable facilities, in permanent or temporary structures, as quickly as possible. This initiative provides Afghan evacuees essential support at secure locations outside Afghanistan. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Anthony Sanchez)

工作人员中士 肯塔基州空军国民警卫队的通讯专家 Keontay Curry 于 2021 年 9 月 14 日向位于肯塔基州路易斯维尔的东浸信会医院报告,为努力跟上不断增加的重症 COVID 患者数量的医务人员提供后勤支持. 他是 45 名飞行员中的一员,他们都是自愿执行任务的,他们将在需要时在医院服役。该小组是上周由州长安迪·贝希尔 (Andy Beshear) 启动的 310 名肯塔基州陆军和空军国民警卫队士兵和飞行员的一部分,为全英联邦的 21 家医院提供非临床支持。

Staff Sgt. Keontay Curry, a communications specialist in the Kentucky Air National Guard, reports to Baptist Hospital East in Louisville, Ky., Sept. 14, 2021, to provide logistical support to medical staff struggling to keep pace with the rising number of critically ill COVID patients. He is one of 45 Airmen, all of whom volunteered for the mission, who will serve at the hospital as long as needed. The group is part of 310 Kentucky Army and Air National Guard Soldiers and Airmen who were activated last week by Gov. Andy Beshear to provide non-clinical support to 21 hospitals across the Commonwealth.

2021 年 9 月 14 日,路易斯维尔浸信会健康公司总裁拉里·格雷(Larry Gray)(左)欢迎来自肯塔基州空军国民警卫队的 40 多名飞行员来到肯塔基州路易斯维尔的 Baptist Hospital East。飞行员将为努力应对疫情的医务人员提供后勤支持与不断增加的重症 COVID 患者人数保持同步。他们是上周由州长安迪·贝希尔 (Andy Beshear) 启动的 310 名肯塔基州陆军和空军国民警卫队士兵和飞行员的一部分,为全英联邦的 21 家医院提供非临床支持。(美国空军国民警卫队照片由 Dale Greer 拍摄)

Larry Gray (left), president of Baptist Health Louisville, welcomes more than 40 Airmen from the Kentucky Air National Guard to Baptist Hospital East in Louisville, Ky., Sept.14, 2021. The Airmen will provide logistical support to medical staff struggling to keep pace with the rising number of critically ill COVID patients. They are part of 310 Kentucky Army and Air National Guard Soldiers and Airmen who were activated last week by Gov. Andy Beshear to provide non-clinical support to 21 hospitals across the Commonwealth. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Dale Greer)

2021年9月14日,肯塔基州空军国民警卫队C-130机长、空军一等兵奥黛丽·帕里奥斯(Audrey Parios)向肯塔基州路易斯维尔(Louisville,Ky)东部浸礼会医院(Baptist Hospital East)报到,为医疗人员提供后勤支持,帮助他们跟上新冠疫情危重患者人数不断增加的步伐。她是45名飞行员中的一员,他们都自愿参加这次任务,只要有需要,他们都会在医院服务。该组织是310名肯塔基州陆军和空军国民警卫队士兵和飞行员的一部分,上周由州长安迪·贝希尔(Andy Beshear)启动,向英联邦的21家医院提供非临床支持。(美国空军国民警卫队中校戴尔·格里尔摄)

Airman 1st Class Audrey Parios, a C-130 crew chief in the Kentucky Air National Guard, reports to Baptist Hospital East in Louisville, Ky., Sept. 14, 2021, to provide logistical support to medical staff struggling to keep pace with the rising number of critically ill COVID patients. She is one of 45 Airmen, all of whom volunteered for the mission, who will serve at the hospital as long as needed. The group is part of 310 Kentucky Army and Air National Guard Soldiers and Airmen who were activated last week by Gov. Andy Beshear to provide non-clinical support to 21 hospitals across the Commonwealth. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Lt. Col. Dale Greer)

随着巴拉德锁鱼梯观察室重新开放,USACE 西雅图地区赞扬社区合作伙伴

2021 年 8 月 16 日,在华盛顿湖运河和 Hiram M. Chittenden Locks 正式向公众开放的翻新鱼梯观赏室中,公众使用其中一台新安装的交互式触摸屏显示器。USACE,西雅图学区与 The Corps Foundation 和 Discover Your Northwest 合作翻修了该设施,该设施已有大约 50 年没有更新过。

USACE Seattle District Praises Community Partners as Ballard Locks Fish Ladder Viewing Room Re-opens

Members of the public using one of the newly installed interactive touchscreen monitors in the renovated fish ladder viewing room, that was officially opened to the public at the Lake Washington Ship Canal and Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, Aug. 16, 2021. USACE, Seattle District collaborated with The Corps Foundation and Discover Your Northwest to renovate the facility, which had not been updated in about 50 years.


弗吉尼亚国民警卫队第 29 军乐队为第 206 届州长就职典礼提供现场音乐。(摄影:弗吉尼亚国民警卫队公共事务办公室 Cotton Puryear 少校)


在 1 月 14 日的就职游行期间,弗吉尼亚州国民警卫队的组织颜色在州长蒂姆凯恩的检阅台前经过。弗吉尼亚州州长的就职典礼是 227 年来首次在威廉斯堡殖民地举行。(摄影:弗吉尼亚警卫公共事务办公室 Cotton Puryear 少校)

Virginia Guard on hand to help welcome new governor

The organizational colors of the Virginia National Guard passes in front of Governor Tim Kaine's reviewing stand during the Inaugural Parade on Jan. 14. The Inauguration of Virginia's governor was held in Colonial Williamsburg for the first time in 227 years. (Photo by Maj. Cotton Puryear, Virginia Guard Public Affairs Office)


弗吉尼亚国民警卫队士兵和飞行员支持 2010 年 1 月 16 日在里士满举行的麦克唐纳州长就职典礼。(摄影:Maj. Cotton Puryear,弗吉尼亚卫队公共事务部)


来自第 116 旅战斗队第 111 野战炮兵团第 1 营位于里士满的 A 连队的士兵鸣放 19 响礼炮,欢迎新任弗吉尼亚国民警卫队总司令。(照片由弗吉尼亚警卫公共事务部一级 AJ Coyne 中士拍摄)

Virginia Department of Military Affairs plays key role in supporting Governor’s Inauguration

Soldiers from the Richmond-based Battery A, 1st Battalion, 111th Field Artillery Regiment, 116th Brigade Combat Team fire a ceremonial 19-gun salute to welcome the new commander in chief of the Virginia National Guard. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class A.J. Coyne, Virginia Guard Public Affairs)


2018 年 1 月 13 日在弗吉尼亚州里士满举行的拉尔夫·诺瑟姆博士就职典礼上,弗吉尼亚国民警卫队士兵和飞行员组成的游行队伍将带领游行队伍成为弗吉尼亚州第 73 任州长。(美国陆军国民警卫队照片由 1st Class Terra C. Gatti 中士拍摄)

Va. National Guard supports Governor Northam’s inauguration

A formation of Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen leads the parade at the inauguration of Dr. Ralph Northam as the 73rd Governor of Virginia Jan. 13, 2018, in Richmond, Virginia. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. 1st Class Terra C. Gatti)


弗吉尼亚国民警卫队为 2006 年州长就职游行提供了两名播音员。(摄影:弗吉尼亚国民警卫队公共事务办公室 Cotton Puryear 少校)

Virginia Guard on hand to help welcome new governor

The Virginia National Guard provides two announcers for 2006 Gubernatorial Inaugural Parade. (Photo by Maj. Cotton Puryear, Virginia National Guard Public Affairs Office)


弗吉尼亚国民警卫队行进队接近州长的检阅台。(摄影:弗吉尼亚国民警卫队公共事务办公室 Cotton Puryear 少校)

Virginia Guard on hand to help welcome new governor

The Virginia National Guard marching unit approaches the Governor's reviewing stand. (Photo by Maj. Cotton Puryear, Virginia National Guard Public Affairs Office)


德克萨斯陆军国民警卫队第 3 特种部队大队的士兵、拉脱维亚陆军特种部队大队和英国陆军降落伞团第 4 营的士兵从一架 C-130 大力神飞机上空飞越格雷林营地联合机动训练中心,密歇根州,2021 年 8 月 13 日。服役人员在北方打击 21 期间进行了联合空降训练。

Parachute Practice

Soldiers with the Texas Army National Guard, the 3rd Special Forces Group, soldiers with the Latvian Army’s Special Forces Group and British Army’s 4th Battalion, Parachute Regiment, jump out of a C-130 Hercules aircraft over Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center, Grayling, Mich., Aug. 13, 2021. The service members conducted joint airborne training during Northern Strike 21.

2021 年 9 月 10 日,隶属于霍洛曼特遣队的一名远征医疗支援系统飞行员在新墨西哥州霍洛曼空军基地组织医疗用品,以支持“欢迎盟友行动”。国防部通过美国北方司令部支持国务院和国土安全部正在为至少 50,000 名阿富汗撤离人员尽快提供交通、临时住房、医疗检查和一般支持,这些人员在适当的设施、永久或临时结构中。这一举措为阿富汗境外安全地点的阿富汗撤离人员提供了必要的支持。(美国陆军照片由 Pfc. Anthony Sanchez 拍摄)

An Expeditionary Medical Support System Airman attached to Task Force-Holloman organizes medical supplies in support of Operation Allies Welcome at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, Sept. 10, 2021. The Department of Defense, through U.S. Northern Command, and in support of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security, is providing transportation, temporary housing, medical screening, and general support for at least 50,000 Afghan evacuees at suitable facilities, in permanent or temporary structures, as quickly as possible. This initiative provides Afghan evacuees essential support at secure locations outside Afghanistan. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Anthony Sanchez)

2021 年 9 月 10 日,隶属于霍洛曼特遣队的一名远征医疗支援系统飞行员分析尿液样本,以支持新墨西哥州霍洛曼空军基地的“欢迎盟友行动”。国防部,通过美国北方司令部,并提供支持美国国务院和国土安全部正在尽快为至少 50,000 名阿富汗撤离人员提供交通、临时住房、医疗检查和一般支持,这些人员在适当的设施、永久或临时结构中。这一举措为阿富汗境外安全地点的阿富汗撤离人员提供了必要的支持。(美国陆军照片由 Pfc. Anthony Sanchez 拍摄)

An Expeditionary Medical Support System Airman attached to Task Force-Holloman analyzes a urine sample in support of Operation Allies Welcome at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, Sept. 10, 2021. The Department of Defense, through U.S. Northern Command, and in support of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security, is providing transportation, temporary housing, medical screening, and general support for at least 50,000 Afghan evacuees at suitable facilities, in permanent or temporary structures, as quickly as possible. This initiative provides Afghan evacuees essential support at secure locations outside Afghanistan. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Anthony Sanchez)

随着巴拉德锁鱼梯观察室重新开放,USACE 西雅图地区赞扬社区合作伙伴

2021 年 8 月 16 日,在美国陆军工程兵团地区指挥官亚历山大·“Xander”·布洛克上校举行剪彩仪式,正式重新打开设施。两个非营利组织 The Corps Foundation 和 Discover Your Northwest 汇集资源并为改造项目筹集了大约 120 万美元——这是 USACE 历史上最大的挑战合作捐赠。

USACE Seattle District Praises Community Partners as Ballard Locks Fish Ladder Viewing Room Re-opens

Members of the public watch salmon runs in the newly renovated fish ladder viewing room, Aug. 16, 2021, after Col. Alexander 'Xander' Bullock, district commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, held a ribbon cutting ceremony to formally re-open the facility. Two non-profit organizations, The Corps Foundation and Discover Your Northwest, pooled resources and raised around $1.2 million – the largest challenge partnership donation in USACE’s history – toward the renovation project.

V-E Day

V-E Day thumb

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor quiz thumb

系泊潜艇Mooring Sub

Navy quiz thumb


特伦顿战役启发了乔治·华盛顿将军的伊曼纽尔·洛伊茨 (Emanuel Leutze) 横渡特拉华河的这幅著名画作。

陆海军博弈Army-Navy Game

Army-Navy game quiz thumb

2021 年 8 月 31 日,华盛顿陆军国民警卫队第 96 航空部队司令部的 UH-60 黑鹰直升机首席准尉 4 瑞安·肯尼迪与泰国皇家陆军同行在刘易斯联合基地训练黑鹰模拟器- 麦考德。此次交流是国家合作伙伴计划的一部分,该计划将一个州或领地的国民警卫队与一个伙伴国家配对,以加强全球安全合作。

Chief Warrant Officer 4 Ryan Kennedy, a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter pilot with the 96th Aviation Troop Command, Washington Army National Guard, trains with his Royal Thai Army counterparts in a Black Hawk simulator, Aug. 31, 2021, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The exchange was part of the State Partnership Program, which pairs a state or territory's National Guard with a partner nation to enhance security cooperation around the globe.

俄克拉荷马州国民警卫队 迈克尔韦斯特(左)和 Spc。2021 年 9 月 7 日,第 90 部队司令部第 120 工兵营 Alpha 公司的卡车司机 Gage Stone(右)向路易斯安那州拉普拉斯的一个社区居民提供补给。俄克拉荷马州国民警卫队开车穿过社区,将补给品直接分发到路易斯安那州居民,使必要的援助能够迅速到达当地民众手中。(俄克拉荷马州国民警卫队照片由高级飞行员亚历克斯·凯尔克拍摄)

Oklahoma National Guardsmen Spc. Michael West, left, and Spc. Gage Stone, right, truck drivers with Alpha Company, 120th Engineer Battalion, 90th Troop Command, give supplies to a resident of a neighborhood in LaPlace, Louisiana, Sept. 7, 2021. Oklahoma National Guardsmen drove throughout neighborhoods to distribute supplies directly to Louisiana residents, allowing for essential aid to reach the local populace quickly. (Oklahoma National Guard photo by Senior Airman Alex Kaelke)


Members of the Royal Thai Army pose for a photo after a flight on a CH-47 Chinook helicopter Aug. 25, 2021 at Joint Base Lewis McChord, Washington state. The Thai Army aviators were taking part in a three-week aviation exchange with members of the Washington National Guard's 96th Aviation Troop Command.


A member of the Royal Thai Army sits on the ramp of a CH-47 Chinook helicopter as it flies above Seattle, Aug. 25, 2021. The Thai Army aviators were taking part in a three-week aviation exchange with members of the Washington National Guard's 96th Aviation Troop Command.

空军副部长与空军后备队讨论强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作

2021 年 9 月 11 日,空军副部长吉娜·奥尔蒂斯·琼斯在马里兰州安德鲁斯联合基地迎接第 459 空中加油联队副联队指挥官珍妮特·托德上校,她准备与第 459 联队空军飞行员会面。确定时间表执行中的任何限制因素、单位成员表达的担忧、医疗或宗教豁免的使用以及传达疫苗安全性和有效性的最佳做法,并表示支持单位的整体准备工作。(美国空军参谋长 Cierra Presentado 摄/发布)

Under Secretary of the Air Force talks mandatory COVID vaccination efforts with Air Force Reserve

Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones greets Col. Janette Thode, 459th Air Refueling Wing Vice Wing Commander, as she prepares for a meeting with 459th ARW Airmen, Sept. 11, 2021, at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The USecAF wants to determine any limiting factors in the execution of the timeline, concerns voiced from members of the units, use of medical or religious exemptions, and best practices of communicating the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, and show support for the units overall readiness efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Cierra Presentado/Released)

空军副部长与空军后备队讨论强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作

2021 年 9 月 11 日,在马里兰州安德鲁斯联合基地,空军副部长吉娜·奥尔蒂斯·琼斯(Gina Ortiz Jones)与第 459 空中加油联队指挥官格雷戈里·布坎南上校(Col. Gregory Buchanan)会谈后,与联队领导人和飞行员就强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作进行了会谈。 USecAF 希望确定时间表执行中的任何限制因素、单位成员表达的担忧、医疗或宗教豁免的使用以及传达疫苗安全性和有效性的最佳做法,并表示对单位整体的支持准备工作。(美国空军参谋长 Cierra Presentado 摄/发布)

Under Secretary of the Air Force talks mandatory COVID vaccination efforts with Air Force Reserve

Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones talks with Col. Gregory Buchanan, 459th Air Refueling Wing Commander, following a meeting with wing leaders and Airmen on the mandatory COVID vaccination efforts, Sept. 11, 2021, at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The USecAF wants to determine any limiting factors in the execution of the timeline, concerns voiced from members of the units, use of medical or religious exemptions, and best practices of communicating the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, and show support for the units overall readiness efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Cierra Presentado/Released)

空军副部长与空军后备队讨论强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作

空军副部长吉娜·奥尔蒂斯·琼斯迎接首席中士。2021 年 9 月 11 日,第 459 空中加油联队指挥官以色列·努涅斯 (Israel Nunez) 准备在马里兰州安德鲁斯联合基地与第 459 联队飞行员会面。 COVID疫苗接种工作。(美国空军照片由 Tech Sgt. Brent Skeen/发布)

Under Secretary of the Air Force talks mandatory COVID vaccination efforts with Air Force Reserve

Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones greets Chief Master Sgt. Israel Nunez, 459th Air Refueling Wing Command Chief, as she prepares for a meeting with 459th ARW Airmen, Sept. 11, 2021, at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The USecAF traveled to Joint Base Andrews to meet with wing level leaders to discuss mandatory COVID vaccination efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech Sgt. Brent Skeen/Released)


供应链的强弱取决于最薄弱的环节,而对于旋翼航空业,弱点是被禁止的。尽管由于 COVID-19 大流行而导致生产和培训意外延迟,科珀斯克里斯蒂陆军仓库 (CCAD) 的无损检测 (NDT) 计划确保它是美国陆军供应链中最强大的环节。210914

Training for Flaw Detection is Vital Prior to Assembly

A supply chain is only as strong as the weakest link and when it comes to the rotary aviation industry, weakness is prohibited. Not-withstanding unexpected delays in production and training due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Corpus Christi Army Depot’s (CCAD) Non-destructive Testing (NDT) program ensures that it is the strongest link in the supply chain for the U.S. Army.

空军副部长与空军后备队讨论强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作

空军副部长吉娜·奥尔蒂斯·琼斯于 2021 年 9 月 11 日在马里兰州安德鲁斯联合基地与联队领导人就强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作进行了讨论。美国空军希望确定时间表执行过程中的任何限制因素,单位成员表达的关切、医疗或宗教豁免的使用以及宣传疫苗安全性和有效性的最佳做法,并表示支持该单位的整体准备工作。(美国空军参谋长 Cierra Presentado 摄/发布)

Under Secretary of the Air Force talks mandatory COVID vaccination efforts with Air Force Reserve

Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones leads a discussion with wing leaders about the mandatory COVID vaccination efforts, Sept. 11, 2021, at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The USecAF wants to determine any limiting factors in the execution of the timeline, concerns voiced from members of the units, use of medical or religious exemptions, and best practices of communicating the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, and show support for the units overall readiness efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Cierra Presentado/Released)

空军副部长与空军后备队讨论强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作

2021 年 9 月 11 日,空军副部长吉娜·奥尔蒂斯·琼斯在马里兰州安德鲁斯联合基地迎接第 459 空中加油联队指挥官格雷格·布坎南上校,她正在准备与第 459 联队空军飞行员会面。美国空军希望确定时间表执行中的任何限制因素、单位成员表达的担忧、医疗或宗教豁免的使用以及传达疫苗安全性和有效性的最佳做法,并表示支持单位的整体准备工作。(美国空军参谋长 Cierra Presentado 摄/发布)

Under Secretary of the Air Force talks mandatory COVID vaccination efforts with Air Force Reserve

Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones greets Col. Greg Buchanan, 459th Air Refueling Wing Commander, as she prepares for a meeting with 459th ARW Airmen, Sept. 11, 2021, at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The USecAF wants to determine any limiting factors in the execution of the timeline, concerns voiced from members of the units, use of medical or religious exemptions, and best practices of communicating the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, and show support for the units overall readiness efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Cierra Presentado/Released)

空军副部长与空军后备队讨论强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作

空军副部长吉娜·奥尔蒂斯·琼斯(Gina Ortiz Jones)在准备 2021 年 9 月 11 日在联合空军基地与第 459 军预备役军人会面时,迎接空军预备役司令兼空军预备役司令部司令理查德·斯科比中将马里兰州安德鲁斯基地 USecAF 前往安德鲁斯联合基地与联队领导人会面,讨论强制性 COVID 疫苗接种工作。(美国空军照片由 Tech Sgt. Brent Skeen/发布)

Under Secretary of the Air Force talks mandatory COVID vaccination efforts with Air Force Reserve

Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones greets Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, Chief of the Air Force Reserve and Commander, Air Force Reserve Command, as she prepares for a meeting with 459th ARW Reservists, Sept. 11, 2021, at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The USecAF traveled to Joint Base Andrews to meet with wing leaders to discuss mandatory COVID vaccination efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech Sgt. Brent Skeen/Released)

理事会领导土耳其空军的 KC-135 升级

一架土耳其 KC-135R Stratotanker 在俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马市 Field Aerospace 的跑道上滑行。这架飞机最近接受了 Block 45 改装,它彻底改造了飞机驾驶舱的内部,配备了新的液晶显示器、无线电高度计、计算机模块更新、自动驾驶仪和数字飞行指引仪,更换了大约 63 个部件,包括被认为是高维护或完全过时的模拟仪器。(图片提供)210914

Directorate leads KC-135 upgrade for Turkish Air Force

A Turkish KC-135R Stratotanker taxis on the runway at Field Aerospace, Oklahoma City, Okla. The aircraft recently received the Block 45 modification which completely remodeled the inside of the aircraft’s flight deck, with new liquid crystal displays, radio altimeter, computer module updates, autopilot, and a digital flight director, replacing approximately 63 parts to include analog instruments which are considered high-maintenance or obsolete altogether. (Courtesy photo)


2021 年 8 月 11 日,在亚利桑那州戴维斯-蒙森空军基地的新安全部队资格课程中,一名被分配到第 355 安全部队中队的飞行员使用 M4 卡宾枪。

Qualifications Course

An airman assigned to the 355th Security Forces Squadron fires an M4 carbine during a new security forces qualification course at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., Aug. 11, 2021.

CCAD 引领陆军航空与 N 类入门

从消除工作场所中的有毒物质到最新的数字孪生虚拟技术,科珀斯克里斯蒂陆军仓库继续领导陆军航空兵进行建设性变革,以保持战备状态。我们一直在这样做,同时保护我们最重要的资源,我们的 CCAD 工匠,并在陆军和国家寻求在 2020 年消除 COVID-19 的同时继续生产。210914

CCAD Leading Army Aviation with Class N Primer

From the eradication of toxic substances in the workplace to the latest digital twin virtual technolo¬gy, the Corpus Christi Army Depot continues to lead Army Aviation efforts for constructive changes in order to maintain readiness. We are doing this all while protecting our most important resource, our CCAD artisans, and continuing to produce while the Army and the Nation are seeking to eliminate COVID-19 in 2020.

第一个 UH-60 Victor 模型发布

CCAD 在加强跨行业合作伙伴关系、推进军事现代化工作和快速向作战人员提供现场关键系统方面的作用继续成为里程碑事件。科珀斯克里斯蒂陆军仓库 (CCAD) 的现代化工作在一项历史性事件中得到庆祝,因为第一架 UH-60V(维克多)模型飞机通过了飞行测试的最后阶段,并由 CCAD 指挥官约瑟夫·H·帕克上校发布。210914

1st UH-60 Victor Model Released

CCAD’s role to strengthen partner-ships across industry, to advance military modernization efforts and field critical systems quickly to the Warfighter continue with a milestone event. Modernization efforts at the Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD) were celebrated in a historic event as the first UH-60V (Victor) model aircraft passed the final phase of flight-testing and was released by CCAD Commander, Colonel Joseph H. Parker.


虚拟交互技术的新发展、尖端技术和进步正在帮助熟练的工匠将老化的直升机转变为具有最大能力的精英飞行器。将 eDrill 添加到工匠可以使用的工具库中,彻底改变了仓库中飞机资本重组的拆卸部分的游戏规则,为机身维修提供了效率和准确性的一步提高。

Unlikely Pairing: Water and Electricity

New developments, cutting-edge tech and advances in virtual interactive technology are helping skilled artisans take aging helicopters and transform them into elite flying machines packed with maximum capabilities. The addition of the eDrill to the arsenal of tools an artisan has at their disposal has drastically changed the game in the disassembly portion of aircraft recapitalization at the Depot, providing a step increase in efficiency and accuracy for airframe repair.
