French door 指的是什么样的门?
我今天阅读的是一篇描述美国农场生活的短文 This Ain't No Bull,和朋友们分享其中一句话:
"French doors opened out of the bedroom onto the balcony where the view was spectacular."
French door到底是什么样的门呢?
1. French door ( 双扇落地玻璃门)
a pair of casement windows extending to floor level or a pair of glass doors, opening onto a balcony or garden 双扇落地玻璃门,通常通向阳台或花园
French doors are perfect for warm summer days. 双开落地门非常适合温暖的夏天。
French door refrigerator/fridge 双开门冰箱
2. balcony [ˈbælkəni] n. 阳台
You can get out onto a balcony from an upstairs room. 你可以从楼上的房间到阳台上去。
We went into a room with a balcony overlooking the golf course. 我们走进一个带阳台的房间,从那里可以俯瞰高尔夫球场。
3. spectacular [spekˈtækjələ(r)]
adj. 壮观的,壮丽的,令人惊叹的
n. 壮观的场面,精彩的表演
spectacular scenery 壮丽的景色
The view from the top of the mountain was spectacular. 从山顶远眺景色蔚为壮观。