


更新时间:2024-07-04 20:05:36


Once, there was a frog who lived in a deep well. Every day, it looked up at the small patch of sky above the well and thought that was all there was to the world. One day, a sea turtle passed by the well, and the frog couldn't resist showing off. "Look, how comfortable I am living here," it said. "This is all the world there is for me." The turtle was surprised and told the frog, "You are actually living in a very small space. The real world is much bigger than you can imagine." But the frog didn't believe it, thinking that the turtle was just bragging.

A frog lived in a well and knew only its tiny world. When a turtle described the vast ocean, the frog couldn't imagine it. Its narrow view limited its understanding.
Once, a frog lived in a deep well, its world confined by the narrow walls. It knew only the sky above, a small circle visible through the well's mouth. One day, a turtle passed by and the frog boasted about its comfortable home. The turtle smiled and described the vast ocean, with waves crashing and fish swimming freely. The frog listened, but could not imagine such a place. It realized that its limited view had kept it from understanding the true world. The frog's story teaches us that our own narrow perspectives can limit our understanding and growth. We must seek to broaden our horizons and learn from others to truly appreciate the vastness of the world.
