


更新时间:2024-05-28 13:27:15


冷菜 cold dish 

1)沙拉 salad沙拉, salad 色拉 salad 

火腿沙拉 ham salad 

鸡沙拉 chicken salad 

鸡脯沙拉 chicken-breast salad 

鸡丝沙拉 shredded chicken salad 

鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad 

鱼片沙拉 fish salad 

虾仁沙拉 shrimp salad 

大虾沙拉 prawn salad 

蟹肉沙拉 crab salad ,素沙拉 vegetable salad 

蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad 

     鲜蔬菜沙拉 fresh vegetable salad ,黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad 

鲜黄瓜沙拉 fresh cucumber salad 

奶油黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad with cream ,

西红柿黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad with tomato 

西红柿沙拉 tomato salad 

甜菜沙拉 beetroot salad 


1)法式煎吐司 French toast

2)蛋卷 Omelet

3)炒蛋 Scrambled egg

4)煎培根 Fried bacon

5)水果麦片粥 Oatmeal with fruit



1)火腿奶酪三明治 Ham and cheese sandwich

2)总汇三明治 Club sandwich

3)吞拿鱼三明治 Tuna fish sandwich


1)鸡肉/牛肉三明治 Chicken/beef sandwich

2)培根菠萝三明治 Bacon and pineapple sandwich

3)时蔬三明治 Seasonal vegetable sandwich

(三) 汉堡类:Hamburger

1)牛肉汉堡 Beef hamburger

2)鸡香汉堡 Chicken hamburger

3)鱼排汉堡 Fish hamburger

(四)意大利面类:Italian pasta

1)意大利肉酱面 Bolognaise spaghetti

2)蝴蝶面配番茄汁 Farfalle with tomato sauce

3)蛋黄培根空心粉Macaroni carbonara

4)奶油蘑菇宽粉 Tagliaelle with mushroom cream sauce


A:冷汁制作 Dressing

1)蛋黄酱/美乃滋 mayonnaise

2)意大利油醋汁 Vinaigrette dressing

3)法国汁 French dressing

4)千岛沙拉酱 Thousand Island dressing

5)凯撒沙拉酱 Caesar dressing

6)它它沙拉酱Tartar dressing

B:沙拉/色拉/沙律 制作 salads

1)凯撒沙拉 Caesar salad

2)薯仔/土豆沙拉 Potato salad

3)鸡肉沙拉 Chicken salad

4)蔬菜沙拉 Vegetable salad

5)什锦水果沙拉 Fruit salad

(六) 汤类:Soups

1) 法式洋葱汤 French onion soup

2) 薯茸/土豆奶油汤 Potato cream soup

3) 法式蘑菇汤 Mushroom soup

4)意大利蔬菜汤 Minestrone

5)匈牙利牛肉汤 Gulash soup

(七) 批萨类:Pizzas (手抛批萨 Handy pizza ;方形批萨 Square pizza)

一、批萨番茄酱制作:Making tomato sauce

1)自制意大利风味番茄酱 Italian style tomato sauce

2)自制美国风味番茄酱 American style tomato sauce

二、批萨的制作:Making pizza

A:意大利式批萨类 Italian style pizzas

1)意大利香肠批萨 Salami pizza

2)培根蘑菇批萨 Mushroom&bacon pizza

3)四色奶酪批萨 Four cheese pizza

4)意大利蔬菜批萨 Vegetable pizza

B:美式批萨类:American pizzas

什锦批萨 Mixed pizza

1)至尊牛肉批萨 Perfect beef pizza

2)什锦海鲜批萨 Seafood pizza

3)经典鸡肉批萨 Classical chicken pizza

(八)牛排类:Beef steak

一、牛排酱汁的制作:Making sauce for beef steak

1)烧汁/布朗汁 Dime-glace/Brown sauce

2)香草酱汁 Herbs sauce

3)黑胡椒酱汁 Black pepper sauce

4)蘑菇酱汁 Mushroom sauce

5)红酒酱汁 Red wine sauce

二、牛排的制作:Making beef steak


Grilled beef tenderloin with any sauce


Grilled beef sirloin steak with any sauce

三、牛排成熟度的掌握 How do cooking beef steak?

1~2成熟 Rare ;

3~4成熟 Medium rare ;

5~6成熟 Medium ;

7~8成熟 Medium well

9~10成熟 Well done

四、牛排的主食与配菜 Served with

1)薯泥/土豆泥 Mashed potato

2)炒薯仔/土豆 Pan fried potato

3)炒混合蔬菜 Pan fried mixed vegetable


1)法式蘑菇烩蜗牛 Stewed snails with mushroom and cream sauce

2)法国勃垦地烤蜗牛 Baked snails “Burgundy style”

(十)主菜类:Main course


Grilled seabass served with French rice and balsamico sauce


Stewed chicken leg with mushroom and cream sauce


Beef Gulash


Cordon Bleu chicken breast


Baked duck fillet served with orange sauce


1) 奶油泡夫 Puff with wipping cream

2) 巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate cake

3) 巧克力/ 草莓慕斯 Chocolate/strawberry mousse

4) 法式苹果挞 Apple tart

5) 自制巧克力酱 Home made chocolate sauce

6) 甜品类装饰 Dessert decoration

菠菜汤 Spinach Soup

烩牛肉 Beef Goulash

炒土豆 Fried Potato

酸辣汤 Hot &Sour Soup

咖喱海鲜汤 Seafood Curry Soup

香煎茄子 Pan Fried Eggplant

俄式烩牛肉 Stronganoff Beef Goulash

维也纳香肠 Wienner Sauages

黑椒牛排 Beef Steak with Black Pepper Suuce

墨西哥鸡肉饼 Mexican Quesadillas

炸鸡腿 Deep Fried Chicken wings

酿焰猪排 Stuffed Pork Chop

金枪鱼意大利面 Spaghetti with Tuna

墨西哥牛肉丸子汤 Mexican Beef Ball Soup

蔬菜炒饭 Fried Rice with Vegetable

螺旋面 Fussili Pasta

西兰花 Broccoli

香草西红柿汤 Tomato Basil Soup

西红柿角 Tomato wages

米兰式西兰花 Fried Broccoli

奶油南瓜汤 Pumpkin Cream Soup

蓝芝士菠菜汤 Spinach Soup with Blue Cheese

米兰式猪排 Pork Milannaise

煎土豆 Roasted Potato

蘑菇鸡排 Pan Fried Chicken with Mushroom

香酪猪排 Pork Cordon bleu

香酪鸡排 Chicken Corden Bleu

洋葱圈 Onion Rings

奶油烩猪柳 Pork Ragout

培根牛肉串 Bacon and Beef Skewer

印尼炒饭 Nasi Goreng

黑椒牛柳粒 Sauted Beef Tenderloin with BlackPepper

奶油烩鸡 Chicken Ragoat

扬州炒饭 Fried Rice of Yangzhou Style

红烧牛腩 Beef Stew

地中海茄子汤 Mediterranean Eggplant Soup

蘑菇猪排 Pan Fried Pork Steak with Mushroom withMushroom

香辣猪肉丝 Sauted Pork Slice of SichuanStyle

地中海青椒汤 Mediterranean Bell Pepper Soup

奶油西兰花汤 Broccoli Cream Soup

土豆泥 Mashed Potato

蜜汁胡萝卜 Fried Carrot

煎乳牛排 Jager Schnitzel

炸猪排 Prk Schnitzel

肉面包 Meat Loaf

扒蔬菜 Grilled Vegetable

西红柿意大利面 Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce

香炒凤尾虾 Pan Fried Shrimp

鸡肉卷 Chicken Rolls

猪肉卷 Pork Rolls

奶油西葫芦汤 Eucchini Cream Soup

红菜头片 Red Cabbage

奶油胡萝卜汤 carrot Cream Soup

鸡蛋卷 Omelet

甜玉米汤 Sweet Corn Soup

匈牙利牛肉汤 Beef Goulash Soup

柠檬土豆汤 Lemon Potato Soup

德式小香肠 Small Sauages

奶油炬土豆 Gratin Potato

马来西亚炒面 Malasier Fried Noddles

牛肉饼 Frikadellen

鸡蓉蘑菇汤 Chicken Mushroom Soup

德式洋葱汤 German Onion Soup

炸春卷 Spring Rolls

香草猪排 Pan Fried Pork Loin with Herbs

中式面条 Chinese Noddles

曼哈顿海鲜汤 American Seafood Soup

香辣烤鸡翅 BBQ Chicken Wings

卡真鸡排 Cajun Chicken Breast

滨豆汤 Lentil Soup

维也纳煎乳牛排 Wienner Schnitzel
