


更新时间:2024-04-13 16:56:54




1.忍受不住了(辙退!)- I can't take this anymore.
2.不要冲 - Don't rush.
3.需要支援! - I need help!
4.打团了! - The team fight is about to start!
5.我在路上 - I'm on the way.
6.我买了装备 - I bought the item.
7.我缺钱 - I'm lacking in gold.
8.我在farm - I'm farming.
9.我快没血了 - I'm low on health.
10.别抢我的怪 - Don't steal my creeps.
11.别送了 - Don't feed.
12.别挂机 - Don't AFK (away from keyboard).
13.稳住! - Stick together!
14.这波很关键 - This wave is crucial.
15.有眼吗? - Do you have any wards?
16.我没血了,需要救助!- I'm low on health, need help!
17.你玩什么英雄?- What hero are you playing?
18.去看一下地图 - Check the map.
19.需要控一下节奏 - We need to control the tempo.
20.小心,有刺客!- Be careful, there's an assassin!
21.背后有一个 - There's one behind you.
22.换线!- Change lanes!
23.别怕,我们有奶妈 - Don't worry, we have a healer.
24.别乱选英雄 - Don't pick random heroes.
25.再发育一下 - Let's re-gear ourselves first.
26、攻击他们的工作室/泉水,打!- Attack their Barracks/Fountain and go for it!
27、准备好没?- Are you ready?
28、别说话了,专心打!- Stop talking and focus on playing!
29、这些重要!- These are important!
30、获取什么装备?- What items should I get?
31、形势危险了,小心点!- The situation is dangerous, be careful!
