


更新时间:2024-04-06 19:25:01



大A箭头指上方, 小a系辫好模样;

大B耳朵右边长, 小b食指指向上;

大C吃饭把嘴张, 小c大C一个样;

大D肚子圆又胖, 小d五线谱里藏;

大E将山竖着放, 小e像鱼肉真香;

大F像旗杆上绑, 小f像个小拐杖;

大G让C挂条棍, 小g大辫真正长;

大H工字放倒写, 小h椅子侧着放;

大I工字中间长, 小i像人跪地上;

大J长得多像厂, 小j子弹射出枪;

大K伸臂又踢腿, 小k稍息把事想;

大L指针三点过, 小l像根火腿肠;

大M山峰尖又尖, 小m鼻孔出气长;

大N闪电实在怕, 小n单门墙上装;

大O鸡蛋喷喷香, 小o蛋小人人抢;

大P圆旗高飘扬, 小p旗小英姿爽;

大Q西瓜连藤摘, 小q和9很相似;

大R和P右踢腿, 小r路灯明又亮;

大S弯弯溪流淌, 小s像8没合上;

大T铁锤当当响, 小t像个大写七;

大U陷阱在下方, 小u将n倒着放;

大V竖起两手指, 小v长个尖下巴;

大W是M朝天躺, 小w将v弄成双;

大X像叉画本上, 小x剪刀裁衣忙;

大Y弹弓没皮筋, 小y比v多尾巴;

大Z和2最相像, 小z呼噜声最响


A - Apple starts with A, it's the first letter of the alphabet.

B - Big Ben is a famous clock in London, it starts with B.

C - Cat is a cute animal, its name starts with C.

D - Dog is man's best friend, its name starts with D.

E - Elephant is a large animal, its name starts with E.

F - Fish lives in water, its name starts with F.

G - Green grass is pleasant to the eyes, it starts with G.

H - House is where we live, its name starts with H.

I - Ice cream is a delicious treat, it starts with I.

J - Jumping rope is a fun activity, it starts with J.

K - Kangaroo is a unique animal, its name starts with K.

L - Lion is the king of the jungle, its name starts with L.

M - Monkey is a playful creature, its name starts with M.

N - Night is when we sleep, it starts with N.

O - Orange is a citrus fruit, its name starts with O.

P - Penguin is a cute bird, its name starts with P.

Q - Queen is a title for a female ruler, it starts with Q.

R - Rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon, it starts with R.

S - Sun shines brightly in the sky, its name starts with S.

T - Tiger is a fierce predator, its name starts with T.

U - Umbrella protects us from rain, its name starts with U.

V - Violin is a musical instrument, its name starts with V.

W - Whale is a massive sea creature, its name starts with W.

X - Xylophone is a musical instrument, its name starts with X.

Y - Yellow is a bright color, it starts with Y.

Z - Zebra is a black and white striped animal, its name starts with Z.

