


更新时间:2024-04-05 16:10:11


第12集 白兔夫妇棉花糖之吻引爆粉红气氛


Episode 12 White Rabbit Couple's Marshmallow Kisses Set Off the Pink Atmosphere

The game went here, Tingyi also came to the game scene, and expressed a very bad view of herba. At halftime, I feel that the hundred grass is very weak. I don't know how to play it. If I walk in vain, let the hundred grass kick him. Although I don't know, Baicao did it. I kicked Ruobai with all my strength, but I was hurt by Ruobai's soft move to easily dissolve the contrast point. With the help of force, the hundred grass learned a crucial point from Ruobai. When she played again, Baicao regained confidence and grasped the key point of the match. Seeing that the time is coming, Baicao knows that it can only bet KO to win with all its strength. She rolled in the air, with a straight kick

