


更新时间:2024-03-20 00:20:47



1. Think about:考虑,思考。例如:I always think about my parents when I miss them.(当我想念他们时,我总是会想起他们。)

2. Think of:想起,认为。例如:What do you think of this movie?(你觉得这部电影怎么样?)

3. Think over:仔细考虑,深思熟虑。例如:I need some time to think it over before I make a decision.(在做决定之前,我需要一些时间仔细考虑。)

4. Think out loud:大声思考,表达自己的想法。例如:He was thinking out loud and trying to solve the problem.(他在大声思考,试图解决问题。)

5. Think to oneself:暗自想,自言自语。例如:She was thinking to herself how she could improve her performance.(她在暗自想着如何提高自己的表现。)

6. Think back:回想,回顾。例如:I often think back to my childhood and remember all the fun times we had.(我经常回想起我的童年,记得我们一起度过的快乐时光。)

7. Think ahead:提前考虑,预见。例如:We need to think ahead and plan for the future.(我们需要提前考虑,为未来做好规划。)

8. Think nothing of it:别放在心上,不必客气。例如:Don't think nothing of it - it was my pleasure.(别放在心上,这是我的荣幸。)

9. Think so:这样认为,表示同意。例如:Do you think so?(你也这样认为吗?)

10. Think that...:认为……,认为……是……。例如:I think that she is the best candidate for the job.(我认为她是这份工作的最佳人选。)
