


更新时间:2024-02-29 18:58:13


"La vie est belle" (Life is beautiful) - This classic French quote reminds us to appreciate the beauty and joy in life, even during difficult times.

"Le silence est un ami qui ne trahit jamais" (Silence is a friend who never betrays) - This quote highlights the value of silence and the trust we can place in it.

"La simplicité est la sophistication suprême" (Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication) - This quote emphasizes the elegance and power of simplicity in all aspects of life.

"La vie est faite de petits bonheurs" (Life is made of small joys) - This quote encourages us to find happiness in the little things and appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

"La vie est un voyage, pas une destination" (Life is a journey, not a destination) - This quote reminds us to enjoy the process and experiences of life, rather than focusing solely on the end result.
