
正阳门下苏萌把韩春明的戒指扔了是哪一集 正

正阳门下苏萌把韩春明的戒指扔了是哪一集 正

更新时间:2024-01-08 12:05:42

正阳门下苏萌把韩春明的戒指扔了是哪一集 正

正阳门下春明说对苏萌丢戒指失望是28集. 苏萌翻旧账,对韩春明恶语相向。韩春明指责苏萌,苏萌一气之下丢掉戒指走了。韩春明郁闷至极找破烂侯喝酒,倒苦水。 第28集剧情 关小关相信韩春明没拿关大爷的东西,她猜想爷爷会把东西埋藏起来,想到防空洞后她准备去打探一下。


Zhengyang gate under Chunming said that Su Meng lost the ring disappointed is 28 episodes. Su Meng turned over old scores, to Han Chunming curse. Han Chunming accused Su Meng, Su Meng lost the ring in a fit of pique. Han Chunming extremely depressed looking for tattered Hou drink, pour bitter water. The 28th episode of the story close small Guan believe that Han Chunming didn't take uncle Guan's things, she guessed that grandpa would bury things, think of the bomb shelter after she was ready to explore.

Close small pass with parents came to the old shut uncle's house was Han Chunming's brother and sisters stopped at the door, Han mother heard the voice want to go out when was persuaded back, Guan Xiaoguan parents angry and back, Guan Xiaoguan want to find Su Meng to say let her come forward.
