Thirteen meters.You should see it.马上就要看到它了
Okay,take her up and over the bow rail.好吧,升上去,到船头
Okay,Mir-2,we're going over the bow,Stay with us.和平二号,我们到船头上去跟上Okay,quiet.We're rolling.好,安静,要拍了
Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship…
…still gets me every time.令人胆颤心惊
To see the sad ruin of the great ship,sitting here…
…where she landed at 2:30 in the morning of April 15,1912…
…after her long fall…它沉入了海底…from the world above.这艘巨轮从此消失了You're so full of shit,boss.头儿,你可真会抒情
Dive six.这已经是第六次了
Here we are again on the deck of Titanic.
Two and a half miles down,深度2.5海里,3,821 meters.大约是3821公尺
The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch.
These windows are nine inches thick and if they go…窗的厚度是9寸
…it's sayonara in two microseconds.要是破裂,所有的人转眼就没命
All right,enough of that bullshit.好了,就说道这吧
Just put her down on the roof of the officers'quarters like yesterday.Sure.好吧,我们就停在船员舱顶上。是
Okay,Mir-2,we're landing right over the Grand Staircase.听着,和平二号