兰玛珊蒂(Lamasanti)是印度文学巨匠之一普拉卡什·纳拉扬(Prakash Narayan)所著的寓言小说《火童》(Purushottam Kumara)中的主要角色之一。兰玛珊蒂是一个非常智慧的猴子,常常以寓言的形式传达智慧和道德。虽然他没有专属的语录,但是在小说中,他的话语对人物和读者都产生了深远的影响。
1. "Mind is the most powerful weapon. With wisdom, a single thought can turn into a mighty force." - 兰玛珊蒂
2. "Suffering is inevitable, but our response to it is entirely up to us." - 兰玛珊蒂
3. "Don't be afraid of the future. Be brave and confident in your heart." - 兰玛珊蒂
4. "Happiness comes not from the outside, but from the inside. A contemplation of the true nature of yourself will find peace and contentment." - 兰玛珊蒂
5. "Remember, love is the most powerful weapon. It can transform anything." - 兰玛珊蒂