我的幸福家庭 [网络] My happy family; [例句]我也许感到有一点寂寞,回想我刚才瞥见的这种幸福家庭生活,心里不无艳羡之感。
I was perhaps a little lonely, and it was with a touch of envy that I thought of the pleasant family life of which I had had a glimpse.
我的幸福家庭 [网络] My happy family; [例句]我也许感到有一点寂寞,回想我刚才瞥见的这种幸福家庭生活,心里不无艳羡之感。
I was perhaps a little lonely, and it was with a touch of envy that I thought of the pleasant family life of which I had had a glimpse.