Fell是跌倒的意思,而 touch 则是碰触的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:
He did fell on from the ledder, touch to the cold ground, fortunately there is no any damage in him, just getting dirty on clothes. 他确实是从架子上跌了下来,碰触到冰冷的地面,好在他身上没有任何损伤,只是弄脏了衣服而已。
Fell是跌倒的意思,而 touch 则是碰触的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:
He did fell on from the ledder, touch to the cold ground, fortunately there is no any damage in him, just getting dirty on clothes. 他确实是从架子上跌了下来,碰触到冰冷的地面,好在他身上没有任何损伤,只是弄脏了衣服而已。