


更新时间:2023-05-07 10:47:34


美国队长:冬兵Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

雷神托尔:黑暗世界Thor 2:The Dark World (2013)

钢铁侠3 Iron man 3 (2013)

特种部队2:复仇 G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)

星际迷航:黑暗无界 Untitled Star in to darkness(2013)

独裁者 The Dictator (2012)

复仇者联盟 The Avengers (2012)



马达加斯加3 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted(2012)

超级8 Super 8(2011)

雨果 Hugo(2011)

碟中谍4 :幽灵协议 Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)

变形金刚3 Transformers 3 (2011)

钢铁侠2 Iron Man 2 (2010)

蔷花红莲美国版 The Uninvited(2009)

怪兽大战外星人 Monsters Vs. Aliens(2009)

独奏者 The Soloist(2009)

星际迷航 11 StarTrek(2009)

变形金刚2:卷土重来Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen(2009)

特种部队:眼镜蛇崛起G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra(2009)

孤岛疑云 Shutter Island(2009)

死不瞑目 The Lovely Bones(2009)

当世界毁灭时 When Worlds Collide (2008)

钢铁侠 Iron Man (2008)

罗斯福 The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (2008)

星际旅行11 Star Trek XI (2008)

雷诺911:迈阿密 Reno 911!: Miami Reno 911(2007)

神射手 Shooter (2007)

十二宫 Zodiac (2007)

变形金刚 Transformers(2007)

后窗惊魂 Disturbia (2007)

贝奥武夫 Beowulf (2007)

疯狂农庄 Barnyard (2006)

夺宝群英 The Red Circle (2006)

蠢蛋搞怪秀2 Jackass Number Two (2006)

硫磺岛来信 Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)

追梦女郎 Dreamgirls (2006)

最后一吻 The Last Kiss (2006)

夏洛特的网 Charlotte's Web (2006)

香水 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer(2006)

新少棒闯天下 The Bad News Bears (2005)

碟中谍3 Mission Impossible lll (2005)

卡特教练 Coach Carter (2005)

蓝领的快乐之旅 Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again (2004)

大人物拿破仑 Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

零号嫌疑犯 Suspect Zero (2004)

明日世界Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

奇探心魔 The Singing Detective (2003)

捕猎游戏 The Hunted (2003)

大流氓 How to Get the Man's Foot Outta Your Ass (2003)

超越边界 Beyond Borders (2003)

原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild! (2003)

说唱乐公司 Marci X (2003)

Heroes of Black Comedy (2002)

科伦拜恩的保龄 Bowling for Columbine (2002)

光影流情 The Kid Stays In the Picture (2002)

数字谋杀案 Murder by Numbers (2002)

做秀时刻 Showtime (2002)

四片羽毛 The Four Feathers (2002)

我们曾经是战士 We Were Soldiers (2002)

拜金妙搭档 Serving Sara (2002)

K-19:寡妇制造者 K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)

失魂落魄 Abandon (2002)

时光骇客 Clockstoppers (2002)

时时刻刻 The Hours (2002)

明日好运到 Better Luck Tomorrow (2002)

大头仔天空 Hey Arnold! The Movie (2002)

巅峰杀戮 Extreme Ops (2002)

恐惧的总和 The Sum of All Fears (2002)

火爆麻吉 Better Luck Tomorrow (2002)

盖世傻侠 Pootie Tang (2001)

鳄鱼邓迪勇闯洛杉矶 Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001)

留住最后一支舞 Save the Last Dance (2001)

临时教练 Hardball (2001)

兵临城下 Enemy at the Gates (2001)

香草天空 Vanilla Sky (2001)

天才小子吉米Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001)

星际旅行:企业号Enterprise (2001)

碟中谍2 Mission Impossible ll (2000)

喜剧之王 The Original Kings of Comedy (2000)

小鬼巴黎行 Rugrats in Paris: The Movie - Rugrats II (2000)

终极狙击 Jill the Ripper (2000)

Wonder Boys: A Look Between the Pages (2000)

少妇杀手 The Ladies Man (2000)

反智特务 Company Man (2000)

地心崩裂 Deep Core (2000)

惊魂眼 The Gift (2000)
